Travel Alert — Bluetooth ATM Skimmers

While many of us are planning for the upcoming snowbird season, others are planning to take advantage of our need for cash while travelling.

If you use ATM machines, here’s yet another scam designed to empty your back account.

Brian Krebs — the guru on cybercrime — recently spent 4 days in several resort areas of Mexico researching one of the latest ways to relieve you of your money.

I spent four days last week in Mexico, tracking the damage wrought by an organized crime ring that is bribing ATM technicians to place Bluetooth skimmers inside of cash machines in and around the tourist areas of Cancun. Today’s piece chronicles the work of this gang in coastal regions farther south, following a trail of hacked ATMs from Playa Del Camen down to the ancient Mayan ruins in Tulum.

In front of hacked ATM in Playa del Carmen

In front of hacked ATM in Playa del Carmen

As I noted in yesterday’s story, the skimmers that this gang is placing in hacked ATMs consist of two Bluetooth components: One connected to the card reader inside each machine, and another attached to the PIN pad. Both components beacon out a Bluetooth signal called “Free2Move.” The thieves can retrieve the purloined card and PIN data just by strolling up to the hacked ATM with a smartphone, entering a secret passcode, and downloading all of the collected information.

You can read the rest of this article on his blog.

Take a read through the comments below his article and you’ll find a partial list of the compromised ATMs that Brian found.

A word to the wise: Don’t think that because you’re not travelling to Mexico that your money is safe. Successful techniques like bluetooth skimming are bound to show up in other areas soon, if not already.

Hola de Mexico! — Bill & Sharon & Friends

In early February we got an Email from Elaine VandenBerg saying she was going to their place in La Penita for a short visit, accompanied by her friend Inez.

We arranged for a visit and Sharon and I hopped a bus for the hour trip from Bucerias.

The bus was nothing like the rattletraps that ply their trade between Bucerias and Puerto Vallarta! Air conditioned, movie, restroom and comfortable seats. Our bus was on its way to Tepic, so was absolutely full. They don’t announce where they are stopping so you have to keep a “heads up” for signs etc.

We did catch the town sign for La Penita and disembarked, address in hand! Elaine had mentioned that most of the cabbies would know where they were. Our luck being what it is landed us a new driver!  In our more than halting Espanol,we gave him the address. He did smile and say “Si” ! This of course means either A: He knows where it is! or: B: He had no idea what we were saying!

Once in the cab, we find he speaks fairly decent English and is delighted to practice. We also found that he really just had a vague idea about the address.

Some twists and turns through some questionable districts lead us eventually to Elaine’s complex.

Once there, we had a tour of their stunning location, on a tidal estuary, right near the beach, so bird pictures were in my future!

We walked back to town for a delicious lunch, while Elaine chatted with vendors along the way and arranged for needed things.

Inez and Elaine walked with us through downtown to the bus depot where another bus awaited us for the trip back to a  very spoiled, babysat poddle named Cappy!

Not much different than the Red Arrow from Calgary to Red Deer and back!

Life is good!

Mexican Update — Sharon & Bill

Where does the time go? To think that we once had jobs and kids and other stuff to eat up the space!

Our “left turn” winter has been marvellous so far! Funky apartment with a resident gecko, great folks, new foods, and wonderful experiences.

We started off with a welcoming cocktail party on the roof patio, hosted by the owner, to introduce new guests to the old guard who winter here regularly.

Then Christmas dinner on the roof with its knock out view!

New Year’s Eve midnight fireworks — the Mexicans love their fireworks!

Parades and festivals? There is hardly a week goes by without one!

We did fit in some visitors on occasion. First Merle and Judy and friends here for a couple of weeks! Then Merle and Judy and John & Judi for a short visit during their Panama cruise!

The blessing of the fishing boats is a major event here, lasting some 10 days. Each morning starts off with cannon blasts around 4:30 or 5:00 A.M. Think window-rattling, bone-jarring loud!

Poor Cappy our poodle is now requiring regular therapy sessions!

Every seat in the large cathedral is filled every A.M. at six! That’s dedication!

Here we are now, entering Feb. with more festivals and parties to come and our time here is already half gone!

Life is good!

Sharon & Bill
